Tangier walking tour

Is Tangier worth visiting for a day Trip ?

Many travelers ask whether Tangier is worth visiting for a day trip or not, especially when their schedule doesn't allow that. You're visiting Spain and thinking about...
Paul Bowles

Paul Bowles

Of all of the expatriate writers who lived in Tangier, Paul Bowles was certainly the most famous and prolific, and he lived and worked a total of 52 years in the city...
10 best places to visit in Morocco

10 best places to visit in Morocco

What are the 10 best places to visit in Morocco? check our top things to do in Morocco, and plan your upcoming Morocco trip.
tangier walking tour

Souks and shopping in Morocco

The souk or market is a characteristic feature of Moroccan life. It is a place of buying and selling, and very few visitors do not visit one at least once...
Ibn Battuta

Ibn Battuta

Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan Muslim scholar and traveler. He was known for his traveling and undertaking excursions called the Rihla. His journeys..
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The British bride of Tangier

In the early 1873, London was taken by a storm at the news brought home by the press that a British girl, Miss Emily Keene by name, contracted a marriage with a native saint in Morocco. Emily was the daughter of John Keene, the governor of Surrey County prison, and Emma Wharen..
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Ion Perdicaris in Tangier

The kidnaping of Perdicaris is a famous event that occurred at the beginning of the last century and was called at time the international crisis due to the political tensions that had generated...